8. Common Errors + Suggestions

This section represents some potential errors that might happen in your directory.

Each directory will use its own theme/plugin and page builder, so sometimes it is unpredictable which error can occur. We do our best to try and cover all of them but we need the user's feedback and help for this. Some unknown errors can happen during the import or during the search.

If you find any error, contact us via the support@leadsimporter.com email.

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Errors in Search Process.

"My search came empty with no error, what can I do?"

  1. Check if your Google API key has billing activated

  2. Check if the Google API key has enabled at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/:

    1. Geocoding API;

    2. Places API;

    3. API not restricted to IPs or Websites (We are working on providing a safer solution for the future)

Errors in Import Process

"My imports are not working and I am receiving weird error, what can I do?"

  1. Check your domain, the most common error is users setting the domain has "https://domain.com" but the domain is actually running as "https://www.domain.com"

  2. Check if your security plugin is not blocking the import. In this case, you will need to whitelist the IP in order to import listings. Contact us and we will provide you the IP.

  3. If you are not receiving an error at all and no listings are being imported, this could also be a sign that your API username is not the correct one. You will need to add in Leads Importer the WordPress Username and not the application name (This one is just used to let you remember where the API key is being used, in external platforms).

"Just got a message " Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user."

  1. Your application user is not properly setup to create posts. Can be the role that is set to subscriber

  2. Your credentials were not properly added to Leads Importer. The username should be added to Leads Importer and not the application username. This is a very common mistake. In this reread the instructions in 2.1 Connecting your GeoDirectory website to Leads Importer


Always make sure your Google Account is properly setup, we recommend using the following tutorials:

For Google Settings: https://console.cloud.google.com/ and APIs: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/

  1. When enabling billing in Google Developer Console, always set a monthly limit, Google will give you around $200/monthly free credits, so we usually setup the max billing to around $50/month for safety reasons. https://console.cloud.google.com/

  2. We have tested doing around 3000 listings per month with no billing incurred from Google

Last updated