2. Setting up your website for GeoDirectory

In this page, we will help you setting up your website with GeoDirectory plugin to enable listing imports from Leads Importer to your own WordPress Website.

Enabling the REST API in WordPress for GeoDirectory

  1. In the WP Admin dashboard go to "GeoDirectory" - "Settings", then "API" and in "General Options", "Enable the REST API" to ON.

Setting up your website Custom Post Type "Places" and custom fields for GeoDirectory:

  1. GeoDirectory comes with a custom post type "Places" by default. Go to that CPT and to the "Settings" section

  1. Create or make sure all the necessary fields to import the listing data are available such as:

  • Title (WP native)

  • Description (WP native)

  • Category

  • Address

  • Images

  • Email (We recommend using text field if there are emails that are "x.x@y.y.com", if not it can return a error as GeoDirectory will invalidate these emails).

  • Phone

  • Website

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • Attribution

  • Place_id

  • Business Hours

  • Rating

  • Ratings_total

  • gurl

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