5.2 Plan Advanced + Turbo

This page is dedicated for searches for users with plan "Advanced" + "Turbo"

To perform searches, this is done in the Leads Importer tool in the page "Search".

Searching Leads

In the first section of the page you will see 5 input fields:

  1. Keyword

  2. Search Location, Zip, City

  3. Radius

  4. Latest Searches

  5. "Undefined, Undefined"

  1. Click the "+" button to be able to create a search, a popup should appear

  1. Add a new search for example:

    1. New Search Name: "Services"

    2. Keyword: "Plumbers". This is just used to remember or as a start, can be changed at anytime

    3. Location: Add an address, zip or city

  2. The search should be visible now in "Latest Searches"

  1. Select that search and the coordinates should be visible on the right field. This will be your current location in case you prefer a new search

  1. The search coordinates are visible and trackeable in a visual map by clicking in "Map Searches (X Search points). Whenever you perform a new search, a new point will be added to the map. This will help you cover as much as possible of a location or even city/region.

  1. Use the keyword field to add your search like "restaurants";

  2. In "Search Location..." add the location you pretend to look in like "Dallas, Texas", when writing, an autocomplete should help you to find the location you want. Please note that this is only needed if you want a new location to override the correct map coordinates. This action is not mandatory to run a search.

  3. For radius, choose the miles/km you want, we recommend using 1km/5km in order to cover as much area as possible.

After this click "Search" and a popup should appear indicating that is a search performing, at this point, do not close browser or close page as the popup will disappear when search is completed and the results displayed in a list

Searching Leads with Plan "Advanced" + "Turbo"

Last updated