6. Adding AI descriptions to your Listings

In this page we show how to add AI descriptions before or during the Import task to your website.

Adding AI descriptions before importing your listings to your website

  1. Choose the listings that you want to run the AI description, you can choose to run for all listings or to run only for selected listings.

    1. To run for All listings, toggle on the button above the lists next to the header "GPT"

    To run for only selected listings click in the toggle for each individual listing, it should turn green

After choosing one of the options, choose a bit more above the language you wish. "English" is enabled by default and the number of words, 50 words are enabled by default. Once ready, click in the yellow button "Run AI GPT" and a popup indicating that AI is in progress will appear:

After completion, an new icon will appear next to the toggle box of the individual listing row indicating that AI description was added:

You can click in the button "Edit" next to it and verify the AI description of the listing:

If Happy with the added description, just close the box, if not, delete the description, click "Edit Information" and then go back and run the AI description once more, individually to that listing.

Adding AI descriptions during the import

If you wish to run the AI description during the import process, you will need to enable the AI description by toggling ON "Run chatGPT + Import"

When selected, it will not be possible to select "All" or individually the listings for GPT as this will be performed during import ,depending on if you wish to import ALL or just the ones selected for import. Choose as usual, the language and number of words and you are ready to import.

Last updated