7. Importing Leads to your GeoDirectory website

In this page we show you how to import listings into your website directory.

If you followed all the steps before and no issues found so far, congrats, we are ready to import listings into your website. To import listings we have two options: Import all listings in one go, or, import only the selected listings. The latter is the most used option from all Beta and current users, because it gives you dynamic of checking only the listings you want and also running chatGPT and verifying the text quality.

Quick Links

Import All

Import Selected

Plan Advanced

Plan Turbo

Possible ERRORS during import

Plan Starter

In Leads Importer go to the page "Search"

Enable the top right Toggle "Enable Import". This is just a safety mechanism for the import process and to have a more clear screen to work with:

New options will appear in order to import the data:

a. Website - In starter plan, only 1 website is available

b. Status - You can choose "draft" or "publish"

c. Post Type - Standard geodirectory will be "places"

d. Category - The categories of your custom post type

e. Rating - The rating that you want to import. Ex: choosing 1 will only import listings where rating is higher than 1.

Select your "website", the "status", "Post Type", "Category" and "Rating" to where you want to import, check the example below

Now we need to choose the way we want to import. If you have chosen already to run AI description before import, you can then just do an "Import All" or "Import Selected" listings.

To perform an "Import All":

Toggle ON the Import in the right top of the search results

After this press the "Import" button, a popup will appear indicating that the import is in progress:

Once completed, the popup will disappear, you will be able to see if the listing was successfully imported by checking if a green icon "check" exists next to the "import" toggle and the message above the tab "header" disclosing the number of listings imported.

You can now go back to your listing via the WP admin dashboard and check if all listings where imported successfully.

To perform an "Import Selected":

In this case, the main different is that you will need to select individually which listings you want to import. The process is quite simple

  1. Click the Import toggle for each listing you want to import

  1. After selecting all listings you need, simply click the import button as described previously and same process will be repeated as it was for "Import All"

Plan Advanced

In this plan the main difference is that you have an active search. So when choosing to import the listings, make sure the search you have is selected. If not this will import those listings that you have searched outside it, so listings that have no search attributed.

After the search is selected, follow the previous steps as same as for Starter Plan.

Import ALL

Import Selected

Plan Turbo

In the plan turbo, you have multiple active searches and also multiple websites. So in this plan it is important that you choose the Search that you want to import into the website and also which website you will want to import the listings to.

After the search is selected, follow the previous steps as same as for Starter Plan.

Import ALL

Import Selected

Please note that for now, after importing the listings you will need to deselect the listings. By not doing so, the listings will be imported again. We are currently working on a solution to allow to not import duplicates and user to be able to select "Reimport" or "Update".


If the import is not successful, you might see some errors appearing above the tab header "Leads".

Example below when the API user is not properly configured indicating "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user.

In this case, you will need to check in your WP admin dashboard if the API/Application credentials were properly created or copied to Leads Importer.

Although we make all efforts to cover all possible errors, due to the diverse plugins/themes and different WordPress or Server versions, it is complex to detect all errors. In case you see issues that are not covered by the errors, send us an email to support@leadsimporter.com and we will investigate properly.

Last updated