2.3 Setting up Categories in Leads Importer

In this page we show you how to setup properly the categories in GeoDirectory and import them into LeadsImporter.

  1. In WordPress Admin dashboard go to "Places" and you will see a subpage "Place categories", click and you will see the following similar screen

  1. On the left side "Add New Place Category", add as much as categories that you will need for your business. Leads Importer supports up to one level down, example:

    1. "Restaurants" and then "BBQ"

  2. After adding all the necessary categories, go back to Leads Importer to "Settings" page and select the website you want to import the categories

  1. In the categories section, click in the white button "Get List"

A similar popup will indicate that Categories are being imported (The speed of import will depend on the number of categories your website has)

Once completed, the categories will be displayed in the list.

Please note that if you delete a category from Leads Importer, it will not be deleted from your website, also vice-versa effect happens. If you rename or delete a category from your website, we suggest performing a "Delete All" and then getting a fresh list into LeadsImporter.

Last updated