5. Searching for Leads

In this page we show you how to search for Leads. This takes in consideration that the previous setup is all done and correct.

To perform searches, this is done in the Leads Importer tool in the page "Search".

Searching Leads with Plan "Starter"

In the first section of the page you will see 3 input fields:

  1. Keyword

  2. Search Location, Zip, City

  3. Radius

Use the keyword field to add your search like "restaurants";

In "Search Location..." add the location you pretend to look in like "Dallas, Texas", when writing, an autocomplete should help you to find the location you want;

For radius, choose the miles/km you want, we recommend using 1km/5km in order to cover as much area as possible.

After this click "Search" and a popup should appear indicating that is a search performing, at this point, do not close browser or close page as the popup will disappear when search is completed and the results displayed in a list

Searching Leads with Plan "Advanced" + "Turbo"

Last updated