2.2 Setting up Custom Post Types in Leads Importer

GeoDirectory uses "Places" as default CPT using the GeoDirectory FREE plugin. If you need more CPT, we suggest going for the paid version.

GeoDirectory by default comes with the custom post type "Places". But some users prefer to add more as their directory is more global or groups a couple or more niches. In that case you will need to purchase the extension "Custom Post Types". In order to import into LeadsImporter, we will focus on the free version which comes with "Places" CPT.

  1. In WordPress Admin dashboard confirm that you can see the "Places" page

  2. Go to LeadsImporter page "Settings"

  3. Select the Website you wish to import the Custom Post Type

  1. scroll to "Post Types" section and click in the white button "Get List"

A popup indicating that the CPTS are being imported should appear

Once completed, you should be able to see the CPTs in the list. In our example we also have custom post type "events" since we used the free plugin for Events (This custom post type is not supported yet by LeadsImporter).

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