2.1 Connecting your GeoDirectory website to Leads Importer

In this step we create the application user to connect to Leads Importer. Skip this step if you are using the Metabox plugin.

Creating an Application user

  1. Go to your WP admin dashboard and page "Users"

  2. Create a user with "Admin" credentials in "Add New User"

  3. Add the username (This will be used in the credentials, so use a name you can identify as the API user). In our example we chose "api_user" and click "save". You don't need to worry about this Password as this one is just for the user login, we recommend to put a random long one just for security purposes.

  1. Go back to "All users" and click "Edit" on the user just created in point 3

  1. Scroll down until you see "Application Passwords"

  1. Add a "New Application Password Name" like "API Leadsimporter". This is just used to remember where the API user | password is being used, and click "Add New Application Password"

  2. You will be seeing a new password generation (This is just for the API, cannot be used to login user). Store it for later as you will not be able to retrieve it after.

  1. Go to Leads Importer to "Settings" and in first section of the page you can add your website

  1. Add the "Website URL":

    1. Incorrect: https://www.domain.com/

    2. Correct: https://www.domain.com

  2. Add the "WordPress Username", in our example, it was "api_user"

  3. Add the "Application Password" saved from point 7

  4. Click "Add Website"

Your website should be connected properly to LeadsImporter now. Don't forget to check if in case you are using a Security plugin like WordFence or Shield Security Pro if you blocked using REST API.

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